CCN Executive Editor
FLINT (CCN) — A report by The Daily Gazette has now been confirmed by a Flint City Council member and a post on the city's web site by Flint Mayor Sheldon Neeley about the passing of Councilman Quincy Murphy.
(See related story at left if you are reading on a laptop or PC, or scroll above to read it i
CCN Executive Editor
FLINT (CCN) — A report by The Daily Gazette has now been confirmed by a Flint City Council member and a post on the city's web site by Flint Mayor Sheldon Neeley about the passing of Councilman Quincy Murphy.
(See related story at left if you are reading on a laptop or PC, or scroll above to read it if you e using a mobile device)
City Councilwoman Tonya Burns did not respond to a text from The Daily Gazette until after the news was made official by the city's mayor. She later said, " Yes, it's true. I found out a couple hours ago and Sheldon (Neeley) has already posted on the (city's) website."
The post said: "We are deeply saddened to announce the passing of Flint City Councilman Quincy Murphy. The beloved community activist and Third Ward councilman was a tireless advocate for the residents he served. We offer our deepest condolences to his family."
Mayor Neeley said: “My prayers are with Councilman Murphy’s family, friends, and all those who loved him. During this difficult time of grief, I ask our community to respect the privacy of Councilman Murphy’s family. This is a moment to come together as one unified community in the spirit of service that Mr. Murphy embodied.”
The flag at Flint City Hall will be lowered to half-staff in Councilman Murphy’s honor, beginning on Monday (Sept. 30, 2024), according to the city's website.
Murphy was elected to the city council in 2021 when defeating A.C. Dumas 306-224 in the November general election. He previously served on the city’s Charter Review Commission when appointed to replace Brian Larkin in mid-December of 2016. Revisions to the charter enacted in the 1970's was eventually enacted into law by voters who approved work done by Murphy's committee.
Murphy was well known in the city before that as a community activist involved in clean-ups in his 3rd Ward neighborhood.
He obtained city grants to buy lawn mowers and organize mowing overgrown areas in his neighborhood, too.
Murphy was facing a recall to be removed from office, however, for admitting at a city council meeting in early August of 2023 that he accepted a lawn mower bought for Habitat for Humanity by Ashley Capital prior to Murphy joining a vote to award the company more than a million dollars to re-develop the old Buick City site.
The Daily Gazette uncovered that an $11,000 check was written to Flint's Habitat non-profit organization with a notation on the bottom left of the check indicating it was for a "lawn mower."
Flint community activist Arthur Woodson went to the podium prior to the vote and demanded that Murphy recuse himself from voting on Ashley Capital's subsequent $72 million in tax breaks approved by the council.
When facing heat from Woodson and fellow colleagues on the council asking him about it, Councilman Murphy admitted he was given the lawn mower to clean up his neighborhood. He famously said, "Quincy is open for business. If anybody wants to do business in the 3rd Ward, call me." He then admitted also getting $4,500 in "hundred dollar bills to pass out to kids in his neighborhood."
The city's former City Attorney (William Kim who resigned in late July of this year) issued a letter to council members saying Murphy did nothing wrong. The Morning Gazette Radio Show later quoted numerous high-ranking current and former law enforcement officials familiar with bribery laws who each called it a "textbook case of public corruption."
Dumas, who has been a frequent critic of Murphy on his 1420 AM radio show every Saturday and at city council public comment opportunities, was running against Murphy in the November recall.
Dumas, who is also the long-time Vice President of Flint's chapter of the NAACP, issued a statement as follows: "I was (saddened) when I learned about the passing of the late 3rd Ward Flint Councilman Quincy Murphy! I tender my heartfelt sympathy and prayers to the entire family during their time of bereavement! Councilman Murphy was very helpful to me when I called him early this year regarding the Genesee County Land Bank and their lack of contracting with Black Minority Contractors! Needless to say, he held his ground that the Landbank should make bidding equitable to each bidder! He was also compassionate about the Genesee County Treasurer (foreclosing) on homes in the City of Flint many of which were Senior Citizen and the working poor! He was elected and served on the Flint Branch NAACP as an Executive Committee Member! Saying that, we didn't agree on everything in his political posture, but he was the elected representative to serve the City of Flint 3rd Ward! Respectfully, AC Dumas."
Others on the ballot are Beverly Biggs Leavy who filed the recall against Murphy, community activist Rich Jones who helped gather signatures to force the recall election and former 3rd Ward Councilman Kerry Nelson who lost to Murphy and Dumas in the August 2021 primary,
Biggs Leavy, Jones and Nelson have not yet responded to our request for a comment.
Flint's 4th Ward Councilwoman, Judy Priestly, was elected to serve with Murphy in 2021 and sat next to him at council meetings. She said, "I'm saddened to have lost a ear friend and colleague."
Councilwoman Burns added in a later post on Facebook: "It is with a heavy heart that we have lost another colleague. My deepest condolences to Councilman Quincy Murphy‘s family and close friends. May he rest in heaven."
Flint City Council President Dr. Ladel Lewis also made a Facebook post to ask for prayers. She said: “Councilman Murphy’s passion for Flint was unmatched. His dedication to blight elimination and community development is why the 3rd ward has thrived so much during his tenure. Please keep his family and friends lifted in prayer at this most difficult time.”
Michael Freeman, Executive Director of the Genesee County Land Bank, took to Facebook to make a tribute, too. He posted: "Saddened to hear of his passing. Councilman Quincy Murphy served as a dedicated member of my Board of Directors at the Land Genesee County Land Bank — may he rest in eternal peace.
PHOTO CAPTION: Pictured above this story is a city photo of Flint's City Councilman Quincy Murphy who passed away at about 5:30 pm at his home on Sunday (Sept. 29, 20240)
CCN Executive Editor
FLINT (CCN) — The Daily Gazette has learned that Flint City Councilman Quincy Murphy was found dead at his home about an hour ago at 5:30 pm on Sunday (Sept. 29 2024).
Police are currently on the scene and waiting for the medical examiner, according to witnesses.
Local TV news reports at 6 o'clock did
CCN Executive Editor
FLINT (CCN) — The Daily Gazette has learned that Flint City Councilman Quincy Murphy was found dead at his home about an hour ago at 5:30 pm on Sunday (Sept. 29 2024).
Police are currently on the scene and waiting for the medical examiner, according to witnesses.
Local TV news reports at 6 o'clock did not report it and no city officials have returned texts asking them to confirm it.
The Daily Gazette has now independently confirmed it, however, from five different sources who have knowledge about the situation.
A related story with reactions from local officials is inside today's Metro Section.
PHOTO CAPTION: Pictured above this story is Flint's City Councilman Quincy Murphy who passed away at about 5:30 pm at his home on Sunday (Sept. 29, 20240)
FLINT (CCN) — The Morning Gazette Radio Show reported on its 8 am program on Metro Flint News/Talk Radio that recall language has been filed against Flint Mayor Sheldon Neeley.
Genesee County Clerk Dominque Clemons confirmed the news at about 9 am after an e-mail request to Clemmons to find out if tips to The Morning Gazette Radio Show wer
FLINT (CCN) — The Morning Gazette Radio Show reported on its 8 am program on Metro Flint News/Talk Radio that recall language has been filed against Flint Mayor Sheldon Neeley.
Genesee County Clerk Dominque Clemons confirmed the news at about 9 am after an e-mail request to Clemmons to find out if tips to The Morning Gazette Radio Show were true.
He said it was true that eight sets of language were filed and he e-mailed copies to The Morning Gazette Radio Show and The Daily Gazette.
Renita Robinson, who has not previously been active in Flint politics, filed the recall.
A related story is inside today's Metro Section.
PHOTO CAPTION: Pictured above this story is Flint Mayor Sheldon Neeley.
(CCN) — A 7-year-old child was struck by a pick-up truck while playing football with a friend just before Grand Blanc's 5 pm homecoming parade was schedule to begin on Friday (Sept. 27, 2024).
The child was struck when he ran off the grass area in front of the high school to step on the parking lot cement, according to multiple witnesses w
(CCN) — A 7-year-old child was struck by a pick-up truck while playing football with a friend just before Grand Blanc's 5 pm homecoming parade was schedule to begin on Friday (Sept. 27, 2024).
The child was struck when he ran off the grass area in front of the high school to step on the parking lot cement, according to multiple witnesses who reported it to Metro Flint News/Talk Radio. The report first aired on the CCN News Break at 6:30 pm Friday during The Daily Gazette Sports Night Show.
Grand Blanc city police officials were not available to comment.
WJRT ABC TV 12 and WNEM TV 5 both later reported on their 11 pm newscasts that the child was hospitalized in critical condition. The 39-year-old driver was described by both newscasts as cooperating with police.
Greg Hawver, a special education teacher at Grand Blanc West Middle School, took to social media on Saturday morning at 10 am to announce he had talked with the child's parents to learn that the 7-year-old victim had been upgraded to good condition. Hawver says God was looking over Grand Blanc yesterday and said the biggest thing the child was upset about was the fact that he missed the homecoming football game. He called him a "future player" for Coach Kaleb Foor 's varsity Bobcats.
Kelly Fulton posted on Facebook's"Grand Blanc Uncensored" group: "These kids were playing unsupervised in a parking lot with vehicles everywhere. I feel bad for the person who hit the child. It was an accident. The school needs more barriers during homecoming — and I had my 7 year old granddaughter with me — I had my eye on her at all times."
Tiffany Gillespie added: "Kids do run in front of vehicles! My cousin ran into the street and was hit by a truck. She didn't look good enough and the truck was in a dip in the road."
Paula McCallum posted: "The truck driver was not at fault. I'm sure that driver is devastated. The kids were playing football and tackled each other into the path of the truck. Accidents happen but could have been avoided if the parents were supervising. praying the child makes it
© Crusader Communications Network Inc.
CCN Executive Editor
FLINT TWP. (CCN) — The Morning Gazette Radio Show reported today (Sept. 27, 2024) that the Flint Township Board of Trustees voted to ask the Michigan State Police to investigate their long-time Township Supervisor.
Karyn Miller
© Crusader Communications Network Inc.
CCN Executive Editor
FLINT TWP. (CCN) — The Morning Gazette Radio Show reported today (Sept. 27, 2024) that the Flint Township Board of Trustees voted to ask the Michigan State Police to investigate their long-time Township Supervisor.
Karyn Miller has served for 16 years and she has been unopposed in her last two re-election bids.
The Morning Gazette Radio Show has learned that the action to turn a matter over to State Police came two weeks ago after a closed session when the board called a special meeting.
No video of the special meeting was uploaded on the township's web site or its pages on Vimeo and YouTube. There was also no minutes entered on the township's web site.
Flint Township Clerk Monya Triplett had not responded last week or this week to phone calls or texts from The Morning Gazette Radio Show, The Daily Gazette or CCN News trying to determine if any action was taken on the record after the board members emerged from their last closed session. Nobody was present in the audience during the fourth meeting while witnesses were on hand to see that no action was taken on the record after the first three closed sessions.
The Morning Gazette Radio Show has reported from multiple confidential sources that all four closed door meetings were called to discuss the alleged inappropriate behavior of Treasurer Tom Klee against township office staff members. Documents were obtained to confirm allegations against Klee and they were published in The Daily Gazette after being reported on The Morning Gazette Radio Show.
A text was sent to Triplett's personal cell phone Thursday after the story about an arrest request was confirmed. She didn't respond until after The Morning Gazette Radio Show aired today at 8 am.
Triplett refused to say what happened on the record and said a FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) request needed to be filed to get the information. (See Related Story above in today's Editor's Notebook opinion column)
Township Supervisor Miller had no comment.
Treasurer Klee has not responded to interview requests from The Morning Gazette Radio Show or The Daily Gazette for months.
Sources say Treasurer Klee and apparently others on the board are unhappy that Miller revealed what happened during one of four closed sessions held in the last two months about his alleged inappropriate actions against township office staff employees. She wrote a letter to Klee via e-mail confirming agreements reached with him in a closed session and also shared it with the employee who had lodged complaints against Klee, according to a document obtained by The Morning Gazette Radio Show.
The document was not obtained from Supervisor Miller or any board member.
E-mailing information about what happened during a closed session would leave the item accessible by the media or members of the public via FOIA laws in Michigan. Minutes of a closed session are exempt from FOIA requests.
State law also stipulates that any member of public bodies for boards, commissions or committee are prohibited from sharing any information discussed in an executive session. Doing so can subject a public official to face civil and criminal penalties.
On a first offense, it's a misdemeanor crime. If convicted, a public official who intentionally violates the Michigan Open Meetings Act can be fined up to $1,000. If the violation is a second offense within the same term, the penalty can increase to a fine of up to $2,000 and rise to a felony status with up to one year in prison, or both.
The complaint about Supervisor Miler was turned over to State Police this week by Flint Township's labor attorney — Chad Karsten from the Lansing law firm of Fahey, Schultz Burzych Rhodes LLC.
Two messages were left two weeks ago at Karsten's office and he has not responded to our request for a comment.
PHOTO CAPTION: PIctured above this story is Flint Township Supervisor Karyn Miller.
CLIO (CCN) — Genesee County Sheriff Chris Swanson held a press conference Wednesday (Sept. 25, 2025) to announce felony charges against a man for using artificial intelligence to create child porn images he displayed online.
Sheriff Swanson said it's the first AI case of its kind in Genesee County, maybe the entire state.
Trevor Klinert, 2
CLIO (CCN) — Genesee County Sheriff Chris Swanson held a press conference Wednesday (Sept. 25, 2025) to announce felony charges against a man for using artificial intelligence to create child porn images he displayed online.
Sheriff Swanson said it's the first AI case of its kind in Genesee County, maybe the entire state.
Trevor Klinert, 25, is being held at the Genesee County Jail on a $300,000 cash bond after warrant requests by the Sheriff's GHOST team resulted in charges by the office of Genesee County Prosecutor David Leyton.
Klinert is a Clio man who spent a year in jail after pleading guilty to using a computer to commit a crime in 2017. A possession of child sexually abusive material felony charge of distributing a child sexually abusive activity charge was dropped in his plea bargain deal.
Sheriff Swanson said Klinert has now been charged by Prosecutor Leyton with four counts of child sexually abusive activity and four counts of using a computer to commit a crime. He said a GHOST operation was launched to arrest Klinert.
GHOST is a special task force under the Sheriff's jurisdiction that investigates sex crimes in Genesee County.
Sheriff Swanson said Klinert consented to allow a search of his cell phone images were discovered of young children naked. He said GHOST determined that Klinert used photos and other social media pictures of under-age victims to create porn images using AI which were then allegedly shared online.
Klinert now faces a probable cause conference on Oct. 3 in Genesee County 67th District Court before Judge Herman Marable.
DAVISON TWP. (CCN) — The fight by community members to keep the park open at Lake Callis got a boost when Davison Township's Supervisor waved a white flag — at least temporarily
After a packed house of angry residents voiced opposition to the idea of closing it and a relative of the Callis family that donated the land for Davison Township's popular Lake Callis Recreation Complex started selling t-shirts in a social media drive to help raise funds to keep it open, Township Supervisor Jim Slezak has announced that he's suspending reorganization of the Parks & Recreation Department.
"After consideration of the public's comments at the September 9th board meeting, I have decided to suspend the reorganization of the Davison Township Parks to allow for additional board and public consideration," Slezak said. "Due to procedural requirements, the matter will still be listed as an agenda item for October 7, 2024, but will be withdrawn by me prior to the approval of that agenda. Further, last spring the township board commissioned a study of the efficiency of the township departments, including the Parks Department, and I look forward to the results of that study, and expect that it will provide direction on how we can increase efficiency for all levels of township services."
The packed house at the last township board meeting was after an agenda item appeared about possibly laying off Parks & Rec employees and closing down the Lake Callis complex. Two trustees on the board (Matt Karr and Lori Tallman) drew applause from the audience when supporting the idea of keeping the complex open. A decision on the matter was tabled at the time until Oct. 7.
Trustees Karr and Tallman need one more vote on the five-member board to keep the complex open for the public and figure out how to avoid layoffs for Parks & Rec employees.
PHOTO CAPTION: Pictured above this story is Davison Township Supervisor Jim Slezak.
FLINT TWP. (CCN) — Trustee Greg King called for a motion to hire a professional manager in Flint Township but he got no support from his colleagues on the Flint Township Board of Trustees.
Nobody offered a second to support Trustee King's motion after Township Supervisor Karyn Miller and Controller Kevin McIntyre told the board there was no money in the budget to create such a position.
Trustee King suggested Flint Township copy the way of Grand Blanc Township and other communities around the state that have transitioned from an elected supervisor leading a township staff to hiring a professional manager.
Miller was first elected to lead Flint Township as its Supervisor in 2008. She has won five four-year terms and has been unopposed in her last two re-election bid. She's currently unopposed on the November 2024 general election ballot after being unopposed in the August Democrat primary.
King was appointed to serve on the board as a Trustee when Tom Klee's position became available when he was appointed to become Treasurer after Lisa Anderson resigned. King's term expires after the November general election because he did not seek election to the board for a full four-year term.
Barb Vert, Gene Leverette Sr., Tenesia Amadou and Jenna McIntyre won the August primary in an eight-candidate field. They're being challenged for the four-year terms in November, however, by two who lost in the August Democrat primary — Mark White and William McKay who are running as write-ins. Vert has served 16 years on the board and Leverette was appointed to a position earlier this year. Amadou and McIntyre were first-time candidates.
PHOTO CAPTION: Pictured above this story is Flint Township Supervisor Karyn Miller.
FLINT TWP. (CCN) — An outcry on social media has followed Genesee County District Judge Vickie Bayeh-Haley's decision to release a repeat drug offender on a personal recognizance bond after he was arrested with more than 21 pounds of crystal meth in Flint Township.
Police made the discovery of drugs during a Sept. 12 traffic stop (See Related Story Below)
The crystal meth was found inside a children's toy box after Flint Township police pulled d over Terence Brock and searched his vehicle.
Brock, 36, has a history of arrests for drugs and weapons, according to court records.
He faces a probable cause hearing on Sept. 26 after he was arraigned and released on the personal i recognizance bond which allowed Brock to leave the Genesee County Jail without posting any money. He was charged by Genesee County Prosecutor David Leyton's office on felony counts for delivery or manufacturing a controlled substance of 1,000 grams or more and as a 4th offense habitual offender because of his previous criminal history.
Most notable was a 2012 case in Flint where he was implicated in a fatal shooting. He went to federal prison for only five years after being convicted on gun and drug charges when reaching a plea bargain deal with federal prosecutors. Brock pleaded guilty to possession of a firearm in furtherance of a drug trafficking offense and possession with intent to distribute cocaine.
Brock was sentenced to probation after 2006 and 2016 felony arrests for carrying a concealed weapon. He was placed on two years probation the first time and four years probation after the second conviction when also sent to prison two years for felony firearms. He also served a concurrent sentence for being a felon in possession of a firearm. He received a minimum sentence of one year in prison with up to five years for being a felon possessing a firearm amnd the same sentence for being a felon in possession of ammunition.
Brock has been out of state prison since July of 2022. He previously served in federal prison.
DAVISON (CCN) — A caller who made threats to cause chaos earlier this week at Davison High School will apparently get away with it. That's the word from Davison Township Police Chief Jay Rendon who told Mid-Michigan Now Tuesday (Sept. 25, 2024) that the call was traced to an overseas bad actor who can't be arrested.
Police say the caller said five pipe bombs were ready to explode around the high school building and that a student in a math class had a gun and was ready to shoot up the school.
Students were immediately placed on lockdown and directed to a central location for parents to pick them up after the situation included response from Davison's city and township police departments, deputies from the Genesee County Sheriff's Department and troopers form the Michigan State Police.
Bus transportation to get middle school and elementary students home was delayed because of the situation at the high school, too.
CCN Executive Editor
BURTON (CCN) — An early morning fire on Thursday (Sept. 26, 2024) appears to have destroyed a landmark Burton restaurant. Scotti's Restaurant has been a staple in the community for more than a half century.
Tom Zelevarovski told Metro Flint News/Talk's Morning Gazette Radio Show that the building was a total loss. He owns the building at the corner of Lapeer Road and Belsay Road where Scotti's has been under the operation of a land contract buyer for a few years.
Lisa's Boutique was also damaged from the fire at the restaurant. It's located next door in the same building.
Known as Tom Z, Zelevarovski said he had a meeting with his attorney scheduled for later today to "serve eviction papers" to repossess the restaurant business. He suggested it his belief that the fire should be investigated as an arson.
Fire Chief Kirk Wilkinson could not be reached for comment.
Burton Police Chief Brian Ross said, "We always investigate large fires as an arson until proven otherwise. Kirk will have more information."
Harold Hampton, who now lives out of state, posted a comment on social media to ask for prayers for his mother who bought the restaurant business from Zelevarovski. "It's with a heavy heart to announce that Scotti's has (burned) down at 5am this morning. Luckily no one was hurt. Please keep my family in your prayers."
Hampton's mother has not yet responded to our request for a comment.
"Seeing photos and video of that sign melted just breaks my heart because it has been there since the '60's," Hampton added.
John and Helen Bibilikow operated for decades as a popular spot for hot dogs, hamburgers and other dinners, including their specialty of fish and chips that they were known for in the area.
They sold it twice within a one-year period after they retired and closed each time after operators quit making payments on land contract purchases. Zelevarovski bought Scotti's from them in 2011 and operated it as a 24/7 restaurant for several years.
Tom Z sold it and retired from the restaurant business after his wife (Ivanka) passed away in 2022 at age 67. She had helped him operate restaurants in Owosso, Mt. Morris and Flint before they bought Scotti's from the Bibilikows.
The Bibilikows had given Tom Z his first job as a dishwasher in 1977 when he came to the USA with his wife from Macedonia. He says he was quickly promoted to cook, then later went to work for his uncle who was the original owner of Angelo's Coney Island on Davison Road in Flint. He eventually became a partner with his uncle, then with Neil Helmkay until they parted ways when Tom Z launched a restaurant bearing his name at the corner of Grand Traverse and Court Street in Downtown Flint.
BURTON (CCN) — The owner at J&S Scotti's Inc. has now issued a statement to The Daily Gazette after a story earlier today (Sept. 26, 2024) was published without a comment from her because she didn't immediately respond to our request for a comment. The statement came from the Facebook page of Scotti's via Messenger. It said as follows:
"It's a bad day and a good day for J&S Scotti's. Although our building burned to the ground this morning, no one was harmed. The cause of the fire is unknown at this time, but the building and all contents are a complete loss. We ask our community to send prayers to Lisa's Hair and Nails, the building next door, which also suffered damage. The owner is a wonderful lady and we ask that you reach out and support her and her business during this difficult time. Thank you to the Burton Fire Department and all assisting departments in responding to this fire. A historic icon of Burton is gone but the memory."
State records show that J&S Scotti's Inc. is owned by Sharon LeGrow of Burton.
She registered the corporation in December of 2021 after buying the restaurant from Tom Zelevarovski.
FLINT (CCN) — A jury convicted a Flint man Tuesday on two counts of sexual assault against a child at a Flint home in 2021. Andrew Parker, 33, now faces a mandatory minimum sentence of 25 years in prison and up to life when going in front of Genesee County Circuit Court Judge Elizabeth Kelly on Oct. 21 at 2 pm.
“Criminal sexual assaults are one of the most heinous crimes on the books and the sexual assault of children is unspeakable,” said Genesee County Prosecutor David Leyton after the jury returned its guilty verdicts on two counts of criminal sexual conduct in the first degree involving a child under 13 years of age, .
“I want to thank the jury for their service and helping us hold the defendant accountable for his actions in a court of law,” Prosecutor Leyton added while also praising his staff, including including Assistant Prosecutor Jonathan Poulos who led the charge at trial, his victim advocates for their work throughout the process and the many support staff who brought the case all together. Prosecutor also thanked Genesee County Sheriff Chris Swanson’s deputies who investigated the case, made the arrest and ensured that justice was served.
The incidents were first brought to the attention of authorities when the victim’s grandmother flagged down a Genesee County Sheriff’s paramedic unit at the intersection of S. Saginaw Street and Bristol Road and told the paramedic of the allegations of the assault. Upon further investigation and interviews with the victim, her mother, grandmother, Parker and others, sheriff Swanson presented a warrant packet and Parker was charged. He has been held at the Genesee County Jail without bond since his arrest in September of last year.
FLINT TWP. (CCN) — Trustee Greg King and Treasurer Tom Klee took lots of heat in the business community when pushing for a 4-mill tax hike to support Flint township's fire department. They wanted to do it without a vote of the people via a special assessment.
They were back at it Monday night (Sept. 23, 2024) at a meeting of the Flint Township Board of Trustees when trying to create a new full-time fireman position. The idea was voted down 5-2.
Flint Township Supervisor Karyn Miller and Controller Kevin McIntyre told Trustee King that there wasn't an extra $100,000 in the budget to create such a position. He made a motion anyway and Treasurer Klee offered a second to support it.
The current Fire Marshal wanted to transition into a full-time fireman position because he isn't happy with being asked to do inspections. The revenue from inspections was intended to be used to pay for the Fire Marshal position when it was created by the board.
CCN Executive Editor
.GRAND BLANC TWP. (CCN) — A K-9 dog was believed to have been used for a police search around Creasey Bicentennial Park in Grand Blanc Township on Sunday (Sept. 29, 2024).
The Daily Gazette and CCN News Break bulletin with breaking news on Metro Flint News/Talk Radio reported on the search after multiple witnesses called our tip line as a car chase with police and subsequent search was going on in neighborhoods around the park with a K-9 dog.
The incident happened at about 6:30 pm Sunday.
Grand Blanc Mayor Susan Soderstrom did not respond to our request for a comment while Grand Blanc Township Supervisor Scott Bennett referred all questions to the Metro Police Authority, saying the police chase was by that department and did not involve Grand Blanc officers. Metro Police Authority has not yet made a statement about any arrests or why there was a car chase through Grand Blanc's park.
Multiple witnesses say police chased a speeding car through the park where there hundreds of people play daily at multiple ball diamonds, playground equipment, soccer fields, basketball courts, picnic tables and walking trails.
Witnesses told CCN that two females were taken into custody but a male who was armed fled the scene as police approached the vehicle after it stopped.
Multiple gunshots were reported to The Daily Gazette but it's believed they could be from target practice by residents in the area.
FLINT (CCN) — CCN has learned that former President Donald Trump will be holding a rally in Flint on Tuesday. An advertising campaign began after midnight Wednesday (Sept. 11,2024) on Facebook around the Metro Flint regional area.
Trump will hold a rally at Flint’s Dort Federal Credit Union Event Center.
The indoor facility in Flint has
FLINT (CCN) — CCN has learned that former President Donald Trump will be holding a rally in Flint on Tuesday. An advertising campaign began after midnight Wednesday (Sept. 11,2024) on Facebook around the Metro Flint regional area.
Trump will hold a rally at Flint’s Dort Federal Credit Union Event Center.
The indoor facility in Flint has 4,021 seats but can set up another 1,000 portable seats on the floor for special events.
Tickets are free for the event.
Trump campaign officials had been discussing using the Birch Rin Speedway & Event Center since Trump visited Freeland in July. Owner Andy Suski said he offered his facility for free and extended the same offer to the Democrats through U.S. Congressman Dan Kildare of Flint Township.
Safety concerns for an outdoor setting posed one obstacle but a weather forecast projecting rain combined campaign officials to choose the Flint arena with a big rental fee.
FLINT TWP. (CCN) — Multiple news report say more than 21 pounds of crystal meth were found inside a children's toy box after a traffic stop by a Flint Township police officer.
The suspect arrested has a history of arrests for drugs and weapons, according to court records.
Flint Township police arrested the suspect and he was lodged in the
FLINT TWP. (CCN) — Multiple news report say more than 21 pounds of crystal meth were found inside a children's toy box after a traffic stop by a Flint Township police officer.
The suspect arrested has a history of arrests for drugs and weapons, according to court records.
Flint Township police arrested the suspect and he was lodged in the Genesee County Jail.
His name is not being used by The Daily Gazette because he has not yet been arraigned by the Genesee County Prosecutor's Office.
DAVISON TWP. (CCN) — The Davison Township Board of Trustees delayed any decision on the future of Lake Callis until at least its next meeting on Oct. 7.
It will be at 6 p at the Township Hall where a packed house greeted board members on Monday (Sept. 9, 2024) when the item was placed on the agenda to possibly lay off Parks & Recreation De
DAVISON TWP. (CCN) — The Davison Township Board of Trustees delayed any decision on the future of Lake Callis until at least its next meeting on Oct. 7.
It will be at 6 p at the Township Hall where a packed house greeted board members on Monday (Sept. 9, 2024) when the item was placed on the agenda to possibly lay off Parks & Recreation Department employees and close the facility.
Trustees Mat Karr and Lori Tallman drew applause by speaking out in favor of keeping Lake Callis open. They need one more vote to do it and must find a way to keep funding operations.
Ben Callis announced in a Facebook group called "Pulse of Davison" that he has teamed up with former board member Travis Howell to support citizens who don't want to see Lake Callis closed.
Callis posted: "Hello. In order to keep the momentum going into next month’s meeting, Travis Howell and I have teamed up to sell Davison Township Parks & Recreation 'Support Our Parks' t-shirts. We will sell each shirt for $20. Proceeds will go to our township parks department! We will present the money at next month’s meeting to Ca1sey (and) her team. If you would like one, please let me know. You can Venmo me @Ben-Callis-1 to purchase. Or we can figure out another payment method if Venmo doesn’t work for you. Please let me know your shirt size and message me your address. As long as it’s within Davison, Travis or I will deliver to your home. If you dont live in Davison, you will need to come pick up your shirt at my house. We will make a shirt order each week on Tuesday. We will deliver to you on Friday or Saturday. THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR SUPPORT!:
CCN Executive Editor
ANN ARBOR (CCN) — Former Michigan Wolverines' assistant Connor Stallions hasn't been seen much in public, but a Grand Blanc businessman and his son spotted him among more than 110,000 fans at the Big House in Ann Arbor Saturday night.
Realtor Ryan Newman snapped a photo of son Boston posing with Stall
CCN Executive Editor
ANN ARBOR (CCN) — Former Michigan Wolverines' assistant Connor Stallions hasn't been seen much in public, but a Grand Blanc businessman and his son spotted him among more than 110,000 fans at the Big House in Ann Arbor Saturday night.
Realtor Ryan Newman snapped a photo of son Boston posing with Stallions while they were watching UM's game against Fresno State, and posted it on his Facebook page.
Stallions is currently a household name to college football fans after last week's documentary about the Michigan sign stealing scandal. It's currently among the top 10 most viewed programs on Netflix with millions watching it.
The release date of the documentary, was a factor in the NCAA's recent disciplinary actions against UM's program in anticipation of what bombshells Stallions might release in the film, according to many college football media experts.
The documentary revealed that Stallions, who has essentially been in hiding since the scandal broke late last season, has taken a defensive coordinator job with a Detroit high school — Mumford High. What wasn't mentioned is that the position is voluntary, according to sources at the school.
The documentary presents the life story of the path Stallions took to becoming a paid member of UM's football staff under former Coach Jim Harbaugh who led the Wolverines to the 2023 national championship before taking a new job with the NFL's Los Angeles Chargers.
Stallions presents no bombshells in the film except to level serious accusations against arch rival Ohio State. He claims his e-mail was hacked which is a two-year felony under state law.
Harbaugh has insisted he knew nothing about Stallions allegedly breaking NCAA rules that prohibit advanced scouting of opponents. Stallions spent thousands of dollars on tickets at games of opponents, mostly giving them to friends who he admits filmed coaches on the sidelines giving signals to their players. He admits the films were sent to him. He denied being at Central Michigan University despite a photo alleged to be him personally on the sidelines at CMU's game against the Michigan State Spartans.
PHOTO CAPTION: Pictured above this story is Grand Blanc's Boston Newman with former UM assistant Collin Stallion who is currently featured on Netflix with a documentary about the cheating scandal.
FLINT (CCN) — The United Auto Workers (UAW) put on its first Labor Day parade in Flint with a march down Van Slyke to the historic sit-downers memorial site at its Atherton Road office for UAW Region 1-D.
Steve Dawes told WJRT ABC 12 that Genesee County Sheriff Chris Swanson were the "driving force" behind making the event happen.
They've u
FLINT (CCN) — The United Auto Workers (UAW) put on its first Labor Day parade in Flint with a march down Van Slyke to the historic sit-downers memorial site at its Atherton Road office for UAW Region 1-D.
Steve Dawes told WJRT ABC 12 that Genesee County Sheriff Chris Swanson were the "driving force" behind making the event happen.
They've used strong UAW support to be the top vote getters county-wide in the August primary election.
Dawes added that he hopes to see the Labor Day parade become an annual event for the union men and women of Genesee County.
PHOTO CAPTION: Pictured above this photo is Steve Dawes who is Executive Director of the UAW's Region 1-D office in Flint.
CCN Executive Editor
FLINT TWP. (CCN) — To say Larry Ford of Flint Township has demonstrated a commitment to kids is an understatement.
Ford retired at the last board meeting of the Genesee Intermediate School District after serving 48 years on its board. Ford served six years on the Westwood Heights Board of Education bef
CCN Executive Editor
FLINT TWP. (CCN) — To say Larry Ford of Flint Township has demonstrated a commitment to kids is an understatement.
Ford retired at the last board meeting of the Genesee Intermediate School District after serving 48 years on its board. Ford served six years on the Westwood Heights Board of Education before being elected to the GISD board.
Oddly enough, he lost his first school board election by three votes.
He recalls discovering how some of his relatives forgot to vote. "I tried again and won by 13 votes," he recalled. Here we are 54 years later and Ford has never lost an election again.
Ford will be a guest on The Morning Gazette Radio Show on Tuesday morning (Sept. 3, 2024) at 8 am. on Metro Flint NewsTalk Radio. You can listen to a replay via a Podcast available on today's Front Page of The Daily Gazette.
Ford has been a leader on the GISD board to see the organization grow into one of the largest in the state with more than 1,600 employees and special programs offered no were else in the state.
A slide show tribute to Ford was presented on a big screen at an annual start-of-school meeting at Whiting Auditorium in Flint last week with all of the employees there. He was surprised to see he had not hired everyone there since an accounting supervisor had reached 50 years of service, compared to his 48 years on the GISD board. He retired the next night at the GISD board meeting to shock his colleagues.
"I think it surprised a lot of people but it was time," Ford said. "I'm 88 years old. At the next election, I will be 90. Who wants to vote for a guy that old? It was a decision made after much prayer and talking with my family. I want to see the GISD appoint someone who can carry on the great work that's been done by so many great board members we've had during my 48 years. The GIsd is a special place with its programs to help give young people skills for the trades where they can walk right into good-paying jobs without going to college because college isn't for everyone."
Ford is well known in the local business community from serving 30 years as the Executive Director of the Flint Area Chamber of Commerce. The non-profit organization had more than 1,600 members under his leadership. He has also served for many years as Chairman of the Flint Township Planning Commission.
Prior to taking the top job at the Chamber, Ford owned his own company. It was a moving company that he wife took over when Ford went to work in Downtown Flint for the Chamber.
In his retirement years, Ford has led Flint's Downtown Development Authority (DDA) and the Birch Run Chamber of Commerce in interim roles to help transition to new permanent leaders.
PHOTO CAPTION: PIctured above this story is Larry Ford who has retired after 48years on the GISD board.
(Comments have been added to this story since our breaking news report on the CCN News Break at Metro Flint News/Talk Radio)
CCN Executive Editor
BURTON (CCN) — Former state legislator Tim Sneller of Burton has passed away.
He was 68.
Sneller represented Burton and multiple communi
(Comments have been added to this story since our breaking news report on the CCN News Break at Metro Flint News/Talk Radio)
CCN Executive Editor
BURTON (CCN) — Former state legislator Tim Sneller of Burton has passed away.
He was 68.
Sneller represented Burton and multiple communities in southern Genesee County after winning the 2016 election. He previously worked as Chief of Staff for fellow Democrat Charles Smiley who was term limited out after six years.
Sneller won again in 2018 and 2020 before he, too, was term limited out but he was currently running again after a change in legislature rules on term limits. His opponent was incumbent David Martin of Davison who has been in the State House of Representatives since 2020 as a Republican. (See Related Story in Today's Edition of M-15 Connection)
Sneller was a substitute teacher at Burton's-Bentley Community Schools and worked at Flint Truck and Bus Assembly as a UAW Local 598 member before going to Lansing to work.
Before going to work for Burton friend Smiley in 2010, Sneller was a legislative assistant to several state legislators during a 30-year run in Lansing, including for long-time Senator John Cherry Jr.
UAW Regional Executive Director Steve Dawes of Flint called it a "sad day" when hearing about Sneller passing away.
Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel made a Facebook post, saying, "As a teacher, legislative aide and representative, Tim Sneller has served the people of this state well over the last 40 years.
The news of his passing is heartbreaking, and my thoughts and prayers are with his family, friends and colleagues. May his memory be a blessing."
Michigan Senate Majority Leader Winnie Brinks released a statement of tribute as follows: "On behalf of the entire Michigan Senate, I want to express our deep sadness about Tim’s passing. A pragmatic leader who was always willing to lend a hand, Tim dedicated decades of his career and life to serving his constituents, his community, and his state with integrity and great care. We extend our sincerest condolences to Tim’s loved ones and all those fortunate enough to have known him. His honorable legacy as a true public servant will live on.”
Genesee County Sheriff Chris Swanson said, "Life can already be unfair. Losing Tim Sneller makes it personal."
Genesee County Treasurer Deb Cherry said in a Facebook post: " I have had a hard time processing the loss of my good friend Tim Sneller... He was a great friend, passionate, wonderful public servant and such a caring role model for so many. I am going to miss him so much. My comfort is that he is now with his sister Carol and his brother Ron (big R). My heart goes out to his sister Sandi and her family."
Flint's mayor (Sheldon Neeley who was a former colleague of Sneller in the State House) and Genesee County Commissioners Chairman of the Board James Avery lowered flags in front of their respective municipal buildings until July 16. (See Related Story at right if you are reading on a laptop or PC, or scroll down if you are reading this on a mobile device)
Flint Township Supervisor Karyn Miller also lowered flags at her building to half staff in honor of Sneller who formerly worked for residents in her area while serving as a legislative aide to former Senator Cherry during his long run in the state legislature.
Former long-time state legislator and County Clerk John Gleason noted via text: "Tim Sneller was a survivor. He worked as a legislative aide and served six years as a state representative for Genesee County east side. Not too many folks from Genesee County, maybe not anyone, served in our state capitol as long as Tim. I'm sure he worked under five governors. Nothing gave him more pleasure than helping citizens navigate through and around the animal called government. Tim could write a novel on personalities and events under the dome. Top notch problem solving."
State Rep. Mike Mueller served in the State House with Sneller and said via text: "We all lost a friend with the passing of Tim Sneller." (See Related Story in Today's Tri-County News)
Genesee County Commissioner Dale Weighill said: "He was a fine public servant and a happy warrior for good people and good causes. May he rest in peace."
Genesee County Commissioner Ellen Ellenburg of Burton said, "He was one of our best state representatives with over 30 years of experience in Lansing. He will be missed."
Burton Mayor Duane Haskins issued a statement, saying, " Our community has lost a true leader. Tim Sneller was a true friend and cared for everyone!! Rest in Peace MY FRIEND."
Former Burton City Councilman Steve Hatfiled posted on his Facebook page: "RIP Tim Sneller. Thank you for your service to the City of Burton, Genesee County and the State of Michigan. Thank you for your help and your advice. You will be missed my friend."
Former long-time Burton City Councilman Danny Wells took to Facebook to say: " Tim was the best representative of Burton our city has ever had. So sad to learn of his passing R.I.P. my friend."
Current Burton City Councilman Greg Fenner said: "When I was first elected, I reached out to Tim for some help on an issue. Not knowing me much at all, he returned my call personally and helped me resolve the issue."
Another current Burton City Councilman (Gary Wines) took to Facebook for a tribute as follows: "R.I.P Tim Sneller. He was the first person to reach out to me when I announced my candidacy for Burton City Council. We had multiple breakfasts together and he shared invaluable information with me all things politics. Everyone I spoke to reiterated what he always said to me, 'idc about parties, I do what’s right for my constituents, my district, city, county, etc.' Tim was a true leader and became a good friend of mine. I have his sign in my yard, and will now save it forever. Burton, and the state of Michigan lost a great leader today and he will forever be missed by many."
Burton 67th District Court Judge Jennifer Hammond said: "I’m struggling with this, Tim and I called each other family. He was one of the kindest, most supportive friends I’ve had throughout the years. Through thick or thin, even if we hadn’t talked in a while, I knew if I needed anything at all Tim would come through. I know I am not the only one who feels this way, we have lost a truly wonderful man. Rest well my friend, until we see each other again "
Bobbie Walton, a Democrat activist and past unsuccessful candidate for several local political positions, praised Sneller in a Facebook post, writing: " Tim, I am so sad now. You were such an important part of my political life. You brought such history and such advice. I will miss your hugs, the feel of your tweed jacket, your smile that was always there. Fly with the angels, Tim."
PHOTO CAPTION: Pictured above this story is former State Rep. Tim Sneller.
BURTON (CCN) — Burton Mayor Dune Haskins issued a press release on Friday (July 12, 2024) to announce that flags will be flying at half staff until after the funeral of former State Rep. Tim Sneller of Burton.
“His passing is going to leave a large void in our community and to every person that he has touched,” Mayor Haskins said.
BURTON (CCN) — Burton Mayor Dune Haskins issued a press release on Friday (July 12, 2024) to announce that flags will be flying at half staff until after the funeral of former State Rep. Tim Sneller of Burton.
“His passing is going to leave a large void in our community and to every person that he has touched,” Mayor Haskins said.
Sneller passed away at age 68 on Friday. (See Related Story at left if you are reading on a laptop or PC, or scroll down if you are reading on a mobile device)
“Tim Sneller stood up for everyone and fought hard to protect every resident even if they didn't live in Burton,” Mayor Haskins added. "He served everyone. He didn't care what political party you chose or where you lived, he just believed in humanity and being kind to all. As the Mayor of Burton, I am saddened and heartbroken yet so proud and honored to have served next to one of the greatest leaders I have ever met. Rest in peace my friend.”
Funeral arrangements for Sneller have not yet been announced.
FLINT (CCN) — Flint Mayor Sheldon Neeley has ordered flags outside Flint City Hall to be lowered to half staff until July 16 to honor his former colleague in the State House of Representatives, Tim Sneller, who passed away Friday (July 12, 2024). Mayor Neeley made the announcement in a joint statement with James Avery who is Chairman of t
FLINT (CCN) — Flint Mayor Sheldon Neeley has ordered flags outside Flint City Hall to be lowered to half staff until July 16 to honor his former colleague in the State House of Representatives, Tim Sneller, who passed away Friday (July 12, 2024). Mayor Neeley made the announcement in a joint statement with James Avery who is Chairman of the Genesee County Board of Commissioners. Avery ordered the same honor outside the county building.
“Tim Sneller was a well-loved unifier who brought people together from all walks of life,” Mayor Neeley said. “He was a former school teacher, and he had a gift for teaching people through his governmental work as well. Tim was my close colleague in the state legislature, and I will miss both his friendship and advocacy for our community.”
Commissioner Avery said, "As we honor the life of Tim Sneller, we are reminded of his longstanding commitment to public service. Tim's dedication to the residents of Genesee County was tireless, and his work made a profound difference in our community."
The flags will remain at half-staff at the downtown Flint municipal buildings until next Tuesday, July 16.
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